Rainbow Fish
Rainbow Fish
“The sparkling story that became an international phenomenon!"
Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia’s creative, visually striking production of The Rainbow Fish brings the pages of the beloved storybook to life on stage with innovative puppetry, striking scenic effects, and evocative original music.
The Rainbow Fish will enchant even the youngest child with his silver scales and heart of gold in this award-winning adaptation about the beautiful fish who learned to share his most prized possession.
Join us before the show for FamFest! Doors open at 5:30pm for FREE games, crafts, & activities, plus FREE treats from Runza, Pepsi, and The Cookie Company!
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We would like to thank our sponsors
We would like to thank our sponsors
Patron Friend: Robert & Alana Barth, David & Marilyn Moore
FamFest Sponsors: Cookie Company, Pepsi, Runza
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